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Cosmetic and Fragrance Chemist: Unconventional Science Careers

Today we will be looking at some unconventional science careers. These careers are uncommon but still have interesting descriptions. Some of these include fragrance chemist and cosmetic scientist.

The first career we are going to be looking into is a cosmetic scientist. These people will make makeup and other cosmetic products that you may use daily. These scientists make mascara, foundation, and even the blush we apply to our cheeks. These scientists make cosmetics as well as test them. These scientists work in labs to perform their experiments. As of 2017, the annual salary is $74,740. In order to become a cosmetic scientist, you are required to have at least a bachelor's degree.

A fragrance chemist is a scientist that makes the scents for perfumes. Ever wonder as to why your mom might smell like lavender one day and then vanilla the next. It's because of these scientists. In a short list, these scientists need to be able to form data, analyze the data, and make the initial operation of the perfumes. To become a fragrance chemist you need to have a bachelor's degree in chemistry, it is also suggested that you have a minor in biology.

About The Author

JayLynn Bostic is a member of student council, human rights club, and the schools newspaper so far. She enjoys helping people but sometimes she does enjoy time to herself, it that spare time she enjoys watching TV and reading books. In her younger age, she enjoyed writing stories, which she still likes to do today.



Learn. “How Do I Become a Fragrance Chemist.”, 2020, )

Petersen, Lainie. “The Job Description of a Cosmetic Chemist.” Work, 24 Aug. 2018,

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