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Article Index

A comprehensive look of the types of articles offered on our site

Image by Maranda Vandergriff
Image by Li-An Lim

Ancient Science and Civilization

Discover ancient technologies from all over the: clocks, dyes, prints, maps, and more. Science and history have always been entwined!

Editor's Own

Hot off the press!


These articles are written by our editors and feature resources for young scientists beyond Clear Choices in Science.

Everything Environmental

Learn more about environmental laws, policies, clean technology, ecology, and ways to be sustainable. This category really covers Everything Environmental!

Learn More
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Image by National Cancer Institute
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Historic Women in Science

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."


Virginia Woolf's words ring true! Learn about the women before the 20th century who paved the way for the scientists of today.

Infectious Diseases

Uncover the secrets of infectious diseases that plague humas and animals alike, and the ways they're being treated!

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Explore first hand interviews from doctors, teachers, nurses, and so many more. Learn about what it takes to be in these exciting professions!

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Modern Women in Science

These are the women of today who are making waves! Explore the well known and lesser known scientists of the last century.

New Scientific Discoveries

Stay up to date with the newest scientific discoveries: moon missions, DNA editing, prehistoric humans, and much more!

Science in Everyday Life

Science is all around! Leaf shapes and baking and snowflakes, oh my!

Image by Alexander Jawfox
Image by Etienne Assenheimer

Science in Pop Culture

Science is apparent in all pop culture, not just science fiction. Discover the history and science of dragons, Arc Reactors, and more!

Spectacular Species

Our great planet is covered in wonderful and weird animals, learn more about them here.

Unconventional Science Careers

Science doesn't have to mean doctors and chemists. Explore careers such as volcanist, aerospace engineer, stem cell biologist and many more!

Article Index: Activities
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