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An Interview With Coach Burton

Last week, I had the honor of speaking with one of Northwood High School's science teachers, Coach Burton. He detailed his personal education, experience in teaching, as well as his advice for students.

Coach Burton graduated from North Carolina State University with majors in Horticulture Science and English. Horticulture is the art of growing plants and gardening; you can grow food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, or flowers and herbs for medicinal needs. Coach Burton has put that degree to good use as a teacher of Earth and Environmental Science. He is also the head football coach at Northwood High School.

After graduating from college, Coach Burton worked in other industries for about ten years but was not left feeling fulfilled, "I wanted to do something to make a difference," he admits. Coach Burton taught at other schools with side coaching jobs before joining the Northwood staff as the head football coach and science teacher. He has previously taught Physical Education as well as Physical Science at other schools. His students speak very highly of him, saying, "I think that Coach Burton makes his class fun with the way he teaches," and, "Coach Burton has opened my eyes [to the scientific wonders of] life."

Coach Burton has advice for teenagers looking to go into a science-related field: they are best suited to start young and look into career paths while still in High School, citing that there are many different areas to explore. Coach Burton comments that internships are another very promising pathway to explore, to help students break into the science subsection of their choice and gain insight as to whether or not they are suited to that field. "Work in it, get some experience," Burton advises, "There's definitely a lot of opportunity in [the world of science]."

About the Author

Kenzie is a senior at Northwood High School. She like dance, reading, and theatre and she love watching Star Wars and Marvel movies!

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